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What is an Independent Insurance Agency?

Platt Insurance is an independent insurance agency, so we often get the question, “What does it mean to be independent?”

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Watch the video above to learn about independent insurance agencies.

For starters, there are three basic types of insurance agents out there:

  1. Captive agents– agents who only work with one primary insurance company, like State Farm or Farmers.
  2. Online agents– agents like Geico, who also only sell for one insurance company, but they are exclusively online or a 1-800 number, so you don’t have a local contact and coverage is often limited.
  3. Independent agents (a.k.a. brokers)- agents that are a super combo of both captive and online agents. Like captives, you meet with them face to face, but they aren’t just tied to one specific company, which gives you way more options for carriers and coverage. And like online agents, they can usually help save you a bunch of money since they get to shop around for the right deal — at no sacrifice in coverage or customer service.

There are benefits to all three, but we’re firm believers that when it comes to properly protecting your family or business, the perks of independent insurance agents are second to none. And here are 4 reasons why…

  1. Independent insurance agents work for you, not the insurance company. Our job isn’t to sell a product, but to understand the needs of your family or business and find the right among of coverage at the best possible price.
  2. Independent agents have multiple options when it comes to carriers and coverage, which means you aren’t shopping around town or filling out online forms on each insurance carrier’s website to compare quotes- they do the leg work for you.
  3. Independent agents work as your advocate. No one likes dealing with the insurance companies when it comes to navigating claims and dealing with billing issues. But, with an independent insurance agent, you’ve got someone who will handle it all for you.
  4. Independent agents are local. We live and work in the same neighborhoods as you and are deeply invested in our community. When you have a problem or question, all you need to do is pick up the phone or walk in our office and someone will be there to help.

As you can see, working with an independent insurance company not only saves you time and money, but brings you the peace of mind that someone is there to guide you through the somewhat complicated world of insurance, all with your best interests in mind.

So, next time you think about switching your insurance, or if you want to review your coverage, remember to work with a trusted independent insurance company, like Platt Insurance, to ensure you are better protected.

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